6 Ways to Challenge Anti-DEI Efforts in Your Workplace
6 Ways to Challenge Anti-DEI Efforts in your Workplace

Striking for Palestine as Small Business Owners
SHIFT is in support for Palestine’s global week of action

Latinidad and White Supremacy
U.S. white supremacy taught us to hate ourselves, but Latinidad did it first. Addressing our outward anti-Blackness and anti-Indigeneity requires us to look inward, at our conception.

Building a Culture of Consent in the Workplace
Since the #metoo movement, conversations around consent have deepened past the antiquated understanding of “no means, no”.

Our Invitations into Dismantling Institutional Oppression
Operating as a Women of Color owned business in predominantly white institutions has led to countless challenging conversations and moments, internally as well as externally.

Things we wish we knew while operating a WOC owned racial & gender equity consulting business
Lessons learned by Natalie Bui, Kausar Mohammed, Veline Mojarro.

Considerations when Including Asians in your Anti- Oppression Work
It’s been painful, tiring, exhausting given all that’s happened around elder abuse within the Asian American community.

Dear Well-Meaning Liberals: How We’re Complicit In White Supremacy
This article was created after reflecting on the many conversations we were (and still are) having within ourselves, our friends, our families, and our communities.

How to Challenge White Supremacy Through Rest
The following are six takeaways from SHIFT’s webinar: Challenging White Supremacy through Rest.